Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, Oh My!

Students (and adults) often have trouble converting fractions to decimals to percents. When I was in school, my 7th grade pre-Algebra teacher gave us the list of most common conversions and told us to memorize it. We had a 5 question quiz everyday for a quarter, given one and we had show the other 2 conversions. That's the same way we learned multiplication facts, states and capitals, and periodic elements. However students today don't learn the same way, they need tricks, short cuts, songs and dances.

I moved into a 6th grade math class to take over for another teacher. The classes had started the conversion unit before Christmas break, but didn't finish; and let's be honest, didn't remember any of what they learned anyway. I found this wonderful foldable on Pinterest and had to try it! It was a huge hit with my kids and they have used it every day for the last week to help them with their work.

The credit goes to Jennifer Smith-Sloane for the idea. Please visit her blog and TPT store at the following links:

I have quite a few ESE and ESOL students, so in order to make things a little easier for them I created the foldable template. I also created a PowerPoint with the steps they need to follow for each conversion. If you visit Jennifer's store at the link above, you can order her completed labels for this project.

Pre-made foldable

Students working together on examples.
Completed foldable. 

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